Cleanse the Energy and Raise Your Vibration
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
-The Kybalion
Our energy comes into contact with everything - other energy fields, thought-forms, vibrations, etc, - and needs to be cleansed just like our bodies or our clothes. There are certain times when we may want to cleanse the energy to remove old patterns , or limiting thoughts or beliefs, from being carried with us into the new season. One time that this is most popular or prevalent is at the beginning of the new year and in the winter months. There can also be certain events, such as moving into a new home, embarking on a new job or career, or during or following a period of sickness or ill health, where we would want to cleanse the energy.
In cleansing the energy, we can clear the energy in our own personal aura, or energetic body, and we can cleanse the energy of the space in which we are currently in or reside. In cleansing the energy, we remove negative energy which may take the form of limiting beliefs, fear, and low thought-forms that can weigh us down, unknowingly, and reduce the chi, or positive flow of energy within and around us. As we cleanse and remove the negative energy, we allow the unobstructed flow of positive energy through us and through our space which helps to raise our energy and vibration. As our vibration rises, we are better able to visualize with greater clarity and to better manifest our dreams and desires with greater abundance and speed.
Here we have included a few simple steps that you can employ:
To Cleanse Your Energy and Your Space
- De-clutter and clean your space - Clutter and ‘stuff’ is essentially stagnant energy in your space. Stagnant energy over time will block your energy. Removing stagnant energy helps to allow for flow of energy in the space and helps to restore balance to body and spirit.
- Let in the Light - Open your blinds and windows to allow for some fresh new air and light to enter and energize your space. Sunlight provides us with Vitamin D which is critical in maintaining our immune system and living healthy lives. Sunlight also carries with it messages which our Spirit can pick up and translate in the form of inspired thought and intuitive moments. Allow yourself to hear and feel the message from the Divine and the Universe which can travel to us in the form of light.
- Add Living Entities to Your Space - Plants are living entities and respond to the words that we speak. Plants can help to not only clean the air but can help balance and re-charge the energy of your space, and pets can help in this regard also.
- Use Sage, Palo Santo, or Incense - Sage and Palo Santo have been used for hundreds of years for their medicinal properties and used for spiritual cleansing and releasing. Consider using these, incense, or candles, to shift the energy of the space and to remove negative or unwanted energy.
To Raise the Vibration
- Use Music - Music is magical and powerful and can change the mood of an entire room. Play some of your favorite music, or play the sound of om chanting, solfeggio frequencies, or other sacred music. You can also play a singing bowl, bells, or chimes, if you have them. If not, you can pull up music videos online and use those recorded sounds to cleanse and raise the vibration
- Clap, sing, or laugh - You can clap your hands, snap your fingers, sing or hum out loud. You can also laugh (loudly) several times to raise your vibration and that of your space.
- Meditate, Visualize, and Give Thanks - You can close your eyes and meditate. Visualize yourself in complete peace and happiness. See your space as beautiful, wonderful, and you feeling whole and complete in it. Then, give thanks for your good health and for all of the blessings you have received.
The above list is not exhaustive, and there are many things you can do in addition to the ones listed to cleanse your energy and raise your vibration. Allow your intuition to guide you to additional practices that will assist you in this process, and always remember, it’s your intention that matters. If you have a clear intention and follow the impulses from your intuition, you will be well on your way to cleansing your space and raising your vibration.